Business Listing

The Cracklin' Pig by Rosters Roasters

We are a family-owned and operated specialty snack store offering a tasty mix of handmade snack foods. 

Some of our most popular items include deliciously addictive pork rinds, roasted nuts and bacon puffs. Our secret recipe for pork rinds has evolved over the years. We fry them in small batches in natural lard with no synthetic oils until they are perfectly light and fluffy, never greasy. They are carb-, sugar- and gluten-free. So indulge! The variety of flavors includes BBQ, Salt & Vinegar, Hot and Spicy and Chili Cheese, to name a few. People love these crave-worthy snacks so much, after visiting our shop, they return home and order more online. We ship all over the world. Also don’t miss our gourmet caramel corn and cheese popcorn.

Opening Hours

Mon-Sat: 10AM-5PM


Additional Hours:


Visit Our Facebook Page


(740) 502-9825


5553 N Market St, Berlin, OH 44610

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